Research on Place & Space: Embodiment

On-line Bibliographies

General Bibliography

n. a. “The Body is Back: Communication in Cyberspace.”

Arakawa and Madeline Gins. Reversible Destiny: We have decided not to die. New York: Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, 1997.

Arakawa and Madeline Gins. Architectural Body. Tuscaloosa: The University of Alabama Press, 2003.

Baert, Renee. “Lifeworlds.”

Benford, Steve, John Bowers, Lennart E. Fahlén, Chris Greenhalgh and Dave Snowdon. “User Embodiment in Collaborative Virtual Environments.”

Bowers, John, James Pycock, Jon O’Brien. “Talk and Embodiment in Collaborative Virtual Environments.”

Busch, Thomas W. Circulating being : from embodiment to incorporation: essays on late existentialism. New York: Fordham University Press, 1999.

Carswell, Mary Anne & Kristi Magraw. “Embodiment as a Metaphor in Therapy.”

Cataldi, Sue L. Emotion, Depth, and Flesh: A Study of Sensitive Space: Reflections on Merleau-Ponty’s Philosophy of Embodiment. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 1993.

Conboy, Katie, Nadia Medina, and Sarah Stanbury, eds. Writing on the body : female embodiment and feminist theory. New York: Columbia University Press, c1997.

Connor, Steve. “CP, or A Few Do’s (and Don’ts) of Cultural Phenomenology.”

Crouch, David. “Spacing, performing, and becoming: Tangles in the Mundane.” Environment and Planning A 35:11 (November 2003): 1945 – 1960.

Csordas, Thomas J. Embodiment and experience: the existential ground of culture and self. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994.

Dixon, Steve. “absent fiends: internet theatre, posthuman bodies and the interactive void” Presence: Special Issue of ePAI: Performance Arts International: International Journal of the Performing Arts 2002

Dreyfus, Hubert. “The Current Relevance of Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Embodiment.”

Furness, Sarah. A Reasonable Geography: An Argument for Embodiment. University of Essex: Ph.D. Dissertation, 1986.

Garner, Stanton B. Bodied spaces: phenomenology and performance in contemporary drama. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1994.

Hillis, Ken. Digital sensations: space, identity, and embodiment in virtual reality. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1999.

Howitt, Richard. “Scale and the other: Levinas and geography.” Geoforum 33:3 (August 2002): 299-313.

Imrie, Rob. “Architects’ Conceptions of the Human Body.” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 21:1 (February 2003): 47-65.

Kauppi, Niilo. The politics of embodiment: habits, power, and Pierre Bourdieu’s theory. Frankfurt am Main; New York: P. Lang, 2000.

Kirby, Vicki. “Corporeographies.”

Komesaroff, Paul A. Troubled bodies: critical perspectives on postmodernism, medical ethics, and the body. Durham: Duke University Press, 1995.

Leder, Drew. The Absent Body. Chicago University Press, 1990.

Lenay, Charles, Olivier Gapenne, John Stewart. “The Constitution of Spatiality in Relation to the Lived Body: a Study based on Prosthetic Perception.”

Longhurst, Robin. “(Dis)embodied geographies.” Progress in Human Geography 21:4 (December 1997): 486-501.

Longhurst, Robin. Bodies: Exploring Fluid Boundaries. London: Routledge, 2000.

Marks, Laura U. The skin of the film: intercultural cinema, embodiment, and the senses. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2000.

Marino, Melanie. “Body as Place: Vito Acconci’s Gaze.” PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art 21:1 1999.

McCarthy, Erin. “The Knowing Body.” G. Csepregi, ed. Sagesse du Corps. Aylmer: Editions du Scribe, 2001: 164-173.

McIlvenny, Paul. “Avatars R Us? Discourses of Community and Embodiment in Intercultural Cyberspace.”

Meijer, Maaike & Willy Jansen. “Identity, Representation and Embodiment.”

Melrose, Susan. “Before the Posthuman Can Take [Its] Place: Performing Place and Person, in the Early 21st Century…”

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice. The Phenomenology of Perception. Trans. C. Smith. New York: Humanities Press, 1962.

Meyers, Peter A. “On the Geometry of Body-Space: An Approach to Gendered Power.” International Review of Sociology 6:3 (1996): 405-427.

Moke, Susan. “Engaging Questions of Embodiment.”

Nast, Heidi & Steve Pile, eds. Places Through the Body. Routledge: 1998.

O’Donovan-Anderson, Michael. The incorporated self: interdisciplinary perspectives on embodiment. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, 1996.

O’Donovan-Anderson, Michael. Content and comportment: on embodiment and the epistemic availability of the world. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, c1997.

Paulos, Eric & John Canny. “Social Tele-Embodiment: Understanding Presence.”

Rae, Paul. “Presencing” Presence: Special Issue of ePAI: Performance Arts International: International Journal of the Performing Arts 2002

Rodaway, P. Sensuous Geographies: Body, Sense, and Place. London: Routledge, 1994.

Rollo-Koster, Joëlle. “The Politics of Body Parts: Contested Topographies in Late Medieval Avignon” Speculum: A Journal of Medieval Studies 78 (January 2003): 66-98.

Schatzki, Theodore R. “Subject, Body, Place (Forum).” Annals of the Association of American Geographers 91:4 (2001): 698ff.

Scott, Gwendolyn. “At the End.” Environmental and Architectural Phenomenology (Spring 1997)

Toombs, S. Kay. “Illness as the Way of the Body.” Environmental and Architectural Phenomenology (Spring 1997)

Underhill-Sem, Yvonne. “Embodying post-development: Bodies in places, places in bodies. Development 45:1 (March 2002): 54-59.

Valentine, Gill. “A Corporeal Geography of Consumption.” Environment and Planning D-Society & Space 17:3 (1999): 329 – 351.

Weiss, Gail. Body images: embodiment as intercorporeality. New York: Routledge, 1999.

Zaner, Richard M. The problem of embodiment: some contributions to a phenomenology of the body. Second Edition. The Hague: Martins Nijhoff, 1971.

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