These web resources and bibliography have been compiled from many sources, both paper and electronic. Some of the major ones include the following:
• David Seamon was kind enough to provide a copy of his “Phenomenology, Place, Environment, and Architecture: A Review of the Literature”, which was published in a shorter version as “A Way of Seeing People and Place: Phenomenology in Environment-Behavior Research,” in S. Wapner, J. Demick, T. Yamamoto, and H Minami (Eds.), Theoretical Perspectives in Environment-Behavior Research (pp. 157-78) New York: Plenum, 2000.
• Edward Casey also contributed several entries, apart from the extensive bibliographies in his three major works on place and his many essays.
• The folks at the Monadnock Institute also contributed several extensive bibliographies from past conferences on place.
• Christopher Fletcher provided some good suggestions for the landscape section from a bibliography he has compiled.
• Trevor Marchand provided a useful bibliography from his course at SOAS on architecture, anthropology, and place.
• Chris Spencer sent me an extensive bibliography on environmental psychology.
• Harvey Perkins provided some excellent cultural geography references.
• Michael Curry provided a paper with several good references.
• Glen Hvenegaard keeps a steady supply of geography and tourism references flowing my way.
• Mark Collins from Ottawa provided a number of mapping resources, especially about Canada.
• Dorothy Woodman pointed out some cultural studies and literature references to me.
• Andie Miller provided many suggestions concerning walking, travel, etc.
• Michael Brown sent me a bibliography that filled in gaps in the gender page.
• Dylan Trigg sent a bibliography on the decay of place that formed the basis of the Loss of Place subpage.
Many others have also made suggestions for individual works, and I thank everyone for helping to make this as comprehensive as possible.
Besides the many individuals who have helped, I also gathered resources from a number of abstract databases, including Geography, the Historical Abstracts, the MLA International Bibliography, the Philosopher’s Index, and the Sociological Abstracts. I did not include everything that a search for “place” or “space” turned up in any of the databases, so a further search for those who are writing in the area might be worthwhile.
This resource has also benefitted from the background research done by my research assistant, Pam Moskie.