- What is the Arab world, and how far does it extend around the globe? What are some of the primary countries included in this region? How do terms like Arabia, Middle East, and Muslim World define (or not) geographic regions in this world?
- What are some ways in which the "West" has presented and "misrepresented" the Arab word, the Middle East and Islamic cultures and especially its music?
- Know some of the basic tenets of the Muslim faith. What does a true believer of Islam think about art in general and music in particular? Why? How are these beliefs exemplified or contradicted by musical practices in the region?
- What does Islam actually say about music, and how does that compare to our western attitudes toward music? What is the relationship between music and the Qur'ân (or Koran) and the Haddith?
- How and why might Muslims view the chanting of the Qur'ân as a "musical" performance (or not)? What do terms like Muezzin, Azan, and "Ghunna" mean in relation to the chanting of the Qur'ân? What is Tajweed and how does it relate to the chanting of the Qur'ân?
- What are the concepts of Khandan and Musiqi, and how do they relate to one another? What are the primary criteria for judging music within the context of these two concepts? How do various types of music fit on the continuum between these two points?
- What are some of the most important musical instruments used in the Arab World? What is a Takht, and what are some of its typical instruments? In general, to what families do each of these instruments belong and how is each played: Oud, Buzuq, Qanun, Nay, and Riqq (or Daff).
- How does a Persian Ensemble compare to the Takht? In general, to what families do each of these instruments belong and how is each played: Santour, Tar, Sehtar, Kamancheh, Ney, and Dombak or Zarb?
- What is heterophony, and how and why does it arise in both of these ensembles (Takht and Persian)?
- What is an ostinato, and where might it be used in both of these ensembles (Takht and Persian)?
- How important is improvisation (Taqâsîm) in Middle Eastern music, and what does it entail? How are you able to distinguish music that is being improvised from pre-composed works? (pp. 550-552 are useful here.)
- What is the approach to the organization of pitch in the Middle East? What do the following terms mean, and how are they related to one another: Ajnas and Maqam? How do tunings differ from the Western system?
- How does the Persian terminology for the organization of pitch compare? What do the terms like: Radif, Dastgah, and Gusheh mean?
- How is a Persian performance of classical music ordered and arranged? What is an Avaz, and why is it the most important part of the program? What are the Pishdaramad, Chahar Mezrab, Tasnif and Reng, and what is the status of each?
- What is the concept of Tarab, and how is it part of the understanding and appreciation of Arab music?
- How far back does the history of music extend in the Middle East, and what are some basic facts that we know about the earliest music of this region? What sorts of writings survived to tell us about the music of this region?
- What is a Zaffa and how is it an example of "traditional" music? What elements of the Zaffa can be found in different parts of the Arab diaspora?
- How does the "popular music" of this part of the world compare to that of other (non-Muslim) cultures? What is the sound of such music like, especially in comparison to Western popular musics? Be able to name at least one important popular music performer (a singer) in this style. [see my relevant PowerPoint slides]
NB. You are not responsible for any materials on pp. 525-528 ("The Maghrib" and following) and pp. 528 - 530 ("The Music of Celebration..."), but DO KNOW the "Zaffa" (pp. 530-31). Likewise, you are not responsible for pp. 532-34 (starting at "Wedding Traditions of the Eastern Mediterranean..."), and pp. 534 - 558 (starting at "Poetry and Core Values...." to end of chapter).