Music of the United States - MUH 3633 (Spring 2020) - Warfield

Review Sheet # 8 - Chapter 8, "After the Ball": Band Music, Gospel Hymns, and Popular Songs after the Civil War

Any of the following concepts and terms (as well as any not specifically listed, but indicated in these review questions) may be included on the first test in MUH 3633. Know these concepts and terms, including their (1) spelling, (2) pronunciation, and (3) definition (if appropriate).

In addition to your notes and the daily PowerPoint slides, remember that there are links on the course home page that provide explanations and even audio and video demonstrations of many of the terms and concepts listed below.

    Chapter 8

    Band Music After the Civil War

  1. How important were wind bands in the second half of the 19th Century? How did these ensembles differ from pre-Civil War ensembles?
  2. Who was Patrick S. Gilmore, and why and how was he important to the history of band music in the US?
  3. What was the National Peace Jubilee, and how was Gilmore involved?
  4. Who was John Philip Sousa, and why and how was he important to the history of band music in the US?
  5. What was Sousa's training and experience in music, and what sorts of performing did do before becoming a conductor?
  6. What was a Sousa concert like? What sorts of music did it include?
  7. Sousa march like? What is the usual form of a Sousa march?
  8. Know the music example "The Stars and Stripes Forever" (LG 8.1). What are its primary sounding traits? In what ways might one section of a march be distinguished from the other sections?
  9. What was Sousa's attitude toward recorded music?
  10. What was the recording industry like around 1900, and how did technology both expand the dissemination of music and limit what could be heard?
  11. Popular Songs After the Civil War

  12. How did sheet music change after the Civil War?
  13. What sort of "standard structure" did many songs adopt in this era?
  14. Industrialization and the Rise of Gospel Music

  15. How did the growth of an urban industrial society after the Civil War lead to the Third Great Awakening?
  16. How was the general mood and attitide of this religious movement different from earlier revivals?
  17. Who was Dwight L. Moody, and how did he disseminate his "message" to the people?
  18. Who was Ira Sankey, and how did he assist Moody?
  19. What is a Gospel Hymn, and how does it differ from earlier sacred music?
  20. Know the music example "Sweet By and By" (LG 8.2). What are its primary sounding traits? How is this work organized, and how does it relate to popular music in general?
  21. The Rise of Tin Pan Alley

  22. What was Tin Pan Alley, both as a physical place and as a musical genre?
  23. How did Tin Pan Alley's commercial impetus differ from that of earlier sheet music publishers?
  24. What was Vaudeville, and how did it contribute to the marketing and distribution of Tin Pan Alley songs? What were song pluggers?
  25. Know the music example "After the Ball" (LG 8.3). What are its primary sounding traits? How is this song organized, and what is verse-chorus form?
  26. Popular Songs at the Turn of the Century

  27. What were some other commerically successful and popular songs at the turn of the century?

To supplement your textbook reading, make sure that you read the following primary documents in To Stretch Our Ears:

(updated 26 February 2020)