Music of the United States - MUH 3633 (Spring 2020) - Warfield
Review Sheet # 2 - Chapter 2, "Old, Simple Ditties": Secular Music in the Colonies and Early Republic
Any of the following concepts and terms (as well as any not specifically listed, but indicated in these review questions) may be included on the first test in MUH 3633. Know these concepts and terms, including their (1) spelling, (2) pronunciation, and (3) definition (if appropriate).
In addition to your notes and the daily PowerPoint slides, remember that there are links on the course home page that provide explanations and even audio and video demonstrations of many of the terms and concepts listed below.
Chapter 2
Song, Dance, and Home Music Making
- How did patronage in North America differ from that in Europe, and what effect did that fact have on music and music-making in North America?
- What is a ballad, and what is the typical form of such a piece?
- What was a broadside ballad, and how did it differ from an (ordinary) ballad?
- What sorts of contents were sung about in broadside ballads during Colonial times?
- Know the music example "The Liberty Song" (LG 2.1). What are its primary sounding traits? How does its musical form reflect its textual contents?
- What were Puritan attitudes toward social dance in the colonies and early years of the Republic?
- What is the difference between couple dances and country dances (or longways dances)?
- Know the music example "Jefferson and Liberty" (LG 2.2). What are its primary sounding traits? How does the musical form support dancing, and how do the performers provide variety within that framework?
Military, Concert, and Theater Music
- What were the typical military musical instruments used in Colonial times (and why were those instruments favored)?
- What were some of the most important uses of military music? (know at least four)
- What was Harmoniemusik?
- Know the music example "The President's March" (LG 2.3). What are its primary sounding traits? What genre (beyond "military music") is this piece?
- In the 18th century, what is the difference between a benefit concert and a subscription concert?
- In the 18th century, what would a typical concert program contain, and how might it differ from a classical concert nowadays?
- What sorts of operatic works were performed in the colonies before 1800? (know three types)
- Why was the song "Home, Sweet Home" popular in the United States, and how widely was it disseminated?
To supplement your textbook reading, make sure that you read the following primary documents in To Stretch Our Ears:
- # 12 - Yankee Doodle Rides into Town
- # 13 - Philadelphia's Birthday Balls for George Washington
(updated 22 January 2020)