MUH 3633: Spring 2020 (Warfield)
Music Description Project
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this project is to allow you to investigate on your own some examples of recorded Music of the United States. While not quite a formal "research" project, you will demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of a particular genre or style of United States music through your study of and report about a particular group of recorded examples of American music.
GENERAL METHOD: In broad outline, you will:
- Choose a recording on the New World Records label [all available in the UCF Library] from the list below.
- Lisen to the recording, read the accompanying liner notes, and evaluate that information in light of what you have learned about Music in the United States in this course.
- Write a brief formal paper based on your listening and reading.
APPROVAL OF THE RECORDING: Note the following:
- Only one person may use a particular recording. Items that have been chosen will be
struck through on the list below.
- You must choose your recording from the list of items in the UCF Library given below.
- You are encouraged to sample multiple items and to read the New World Records web site [NB. NWR has apprently reorgnized its website (effective c. 21 Feb 20)] withaccompanying liner notes, before making your choice.
- When you have determined which item you wish to study, send me an email with your choice (and at least 2 alterate choices), and I will reply with an email approval (or a warning to make another choice).
- Failure to notify me of your choice will result in a two-grade penalty, and if your item has already been used by another classmate, your paper will be rejected.
- NB. Anyone repeating the course must choose a different item from any used in previous iterations of this course.
- It is your obligation to acquire the CD recording via normal UCF Library check-out procedures and to follow all library rules and policies concerning borrowed items. Beware that these recordings are not reserved, and any library patron (whether in MUH 3633 or not) may check-out an item. If your chosen item is not available or is recalled by another patron, you may change your assignment by notifying me of your new choice (as above), or you may wait for the recording to be returned. You may not, however, ask for extensions based on the unavailability of a particular recording.
Your choice of the CD that you wish to use must be emailed to me by 12:00 noon on Tuesday, 18 February 2020. [No exceptions] To ensure that your choice is acceptable, you are required to submit three or more items in your preferred order. Failure to submit an acceptable choice before the deadline will result in a 10-point deduction for every following day until you do submit a choice.
- All of your listening to your chosen item should be active listening, i.e., your attention should be fully focused on the recording and not split among multiple tasks.
- Plan to listen to your item multiple times and with significant breaks between at least some of the listening sessions, e.g., perhaps a day or more.
- During your listening, take informal notes to remind yourself of any interesting or unique tracks or even moments in the recording.
- At some point after your first listening, read the liner notes that accompany the recording. The liner notes for most NWR items are available online as PDFs at the New World Records web site. NB. NWR has apprently reorgnized its website (effective c. 21 Feb 20), and you may need to search through several pages at the current display, or use the "search" function at the RH top of the page.
- After reading the liner notes, identify the particular style(s) or genre(s) represented on the recording. Read the relevant passages in the Crawford/Hamberlin textbook.
- During your later listenings, identify 1-2 tracks that are especially noteworthy or good representatives of their style or genre.
WRITING THE PAPER: Your paper will cover the following points, including both general information on the recording's musical style(s) and a more specific discussion of at least one representative track:
- First, provide a brief introduction to the topic and recordings - one paragraph
- Second, give a general background on the musical style(s) and genre(s) of the recordings (from the liner notes and Crawford/Hamberlin) - 1-2 paragraphs
- Third, include specific information on the performers, recordings, and styles (including sounding traits) represented on the recording - 1 page
- Fourth, give a detailed discussion and description of 1-2 representative tracks on the recording - 1-2 pages
- Fifth, in particular, note how the entire recording and/or specific tracks conform to or differ from the information in Crawford/Hamberlin - perhaps 1-2 paragraphs
- Sixth, provide a summary and closing - 1 paragraph
You will also demonstrate your ability to document materials used in the creation of your paper, i.e., you must provide a minimum of two (2) footnotes, properly formatted according to the rules of D. Kern Holoman, A Style Sheet, 3rd ed. (Oakland, California : University of California Press, [2014]), which is available as an eBook via the UCF Library.
THE FINAL DOCUMENT: Make sure that your paper conforms to the following:
- The paper must be submitted as a WORD document (.doc or .docx). PDF and other fixed formats are not acceptable (and will be penalized).
- The paper must prepared as if on 8-½" x 11" white paper, with 1" margins on all sides, except for the first page of text, which has a 2" top margin.
- Use a 12-point typeface, type in double-space, and indent all paragraphs.
- In writing, use a formal tone, avoid slang and contractions, spell all words and technical terms correctly, etc. IMPORTANT REMINDER: You must run your document through the "spell-checker" within your word-processor before submitting the paper to me. Failure to do so--as evidenced by any obvious spelling errors of common words--will result in penalties against the "writing" portion of the grade.
- Make clear all references to the textbook, source materials, and any other supporting documents that you discusss.
- You must cite any materials or ideas that quote, paraphrase or even allude to, with some sort of footnote, endnote, or other system of citation. NB. Failure to credit sources is plagiarism and will result in a grade of "F" for the assignment, as well as notification of your act to the appropriate UCF authorities for additional discipine.
- When in doubt of how to present something, refer to D. Kern Holoman, A Style Sheet, 3rd ed. (Oakland, California : University of California Press, [2014]) for clarification. NB. while you are not required to purchase this item for MUH 3633, it will be used in MUH 3211-3212. A single copy will be available as an eBook through the UCF Library, and earlier editions may also be available.
- The absolute minimum length is 1,000 words (about 4-5 pages, not including any title page or appended bibliography and notes; "Word Count" under "Tools" in most word-processor programs gives this information). You are allowed and encouraged to write more than the minimum, but do not simply pad the content.
The final paper is due electronically as an attachment to an email sent to me by 5:00 pm on Monday, 2 March 2020. The final paper itself counts for 10% of the course grade, with the value split equally between writing (40%), footnotes (10%) and content (50%).
The following are New World Records items found in the UCF Library, arranged by manufacturer's label number. Included are examples of most historic genres of music in the United States, ranging from folk, ethnic, and religious styles through various commercial forms to classical types. Remember that the liner notes for most of these recordings can be found online (see above), so that you can investigate any recordings before making your choice.
Songs of the Civil War (New World Records : 80202-2; originally issued as NW 202) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1637 .S66 1988 - A. Paterson
- Angels' visits : and other vocal gems of Victorian America. (New World Records : 80220-2; originally issued as NW 220) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1495 .A54 1993
Cincinnati's University Singers, I wants to be a actor lady : and other hits from early musical comedies. (New World Records : 80221-2; Originally issued as NW221) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1505.C56 I2 1993 - R. Leydon
- I'm on my journey home : vocal styles and resources in folk music. (New World Records : 80223-2; Originally issued as NW 223) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1629 .I6 2002 & Guide M1629 .I6 2002
- Ann Leaf, The Mighty Wurlitzer : music for movie-palace organs. (New World Records : NW227-2) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1527.2.L43 M54
- John Bray, The Indian princess and Raynor Taylor, The Ethiop (New World Records : 80232-2; originally issued as NW 232) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1500.B72 I53 1996
Brave boys : New England traditions in folk music. (New World Records : 80239-2; originally issued as NW 239) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1629.6.N4 B73 1995 - N. Reeves
Caliente : hot : Puerto Rican and Cuban musical expression in New York. (New World Records : 80244-2; originally issued as NW 244) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1668.4 .C34 - A. Ariani
Oh my little darling : folk song types. (New World Records : 80245-2; originally issued as NW 245) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1629 .O33 2002 - M. Dyckoff
Songs of earth, water, fire, and sky : music of the American Indian. (New World Records: 80246-2) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1669 .S66 1991 - N. Mosca
- Where home is : life in nineteenth-century Cincinnati. (New World Records : 80251-2) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1629.7.O5 W5 1995
Roots of the blues. (New World Records : 80252-2) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1630.18 .R67 1992 - LOST?
Make a joyful noise : mainstreams and backwaters of American psalmody, 1770-1840. (New World Records : 80255-2, originally issued as NW 255) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M2082 .M34 1996 - A. Senn
Ivan Davis, The wind demon and other nineteenth century piano music (New World Records : 80257-2; Originally issued as NW 257) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M21.D38 W5 1995 - V. Artusa
- Don't give the name a bad place : types and stereotypes in American musical theater, 1870-1900. (New World Records : 80265-2; originally issued as NW 265) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1622 .D65 1996
Edwin Franko Goldman Band, The golden age of the American march (New World Records : 80266-2) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1247.E38 G65 - E. Saumell
- The hand that holds the bread : Songs of progress and protest in the gilded age, 1865-1893 (New World Records : 80267-2: originally released as NW 267) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1977.P75 H35 1997
Brother, can you spare a dime? : American song during the Great Depression. (New World Records : 80270-2; Originally issued as NW 270) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1629 .B76 2001 - D. Alexander
- Virgil Thomson, The mother of us all (New World Records : NW 288/289-2) UCF Main Library - Media - CD Disc 1-2 M1500.T56 M6 1990
Music of the American Revolution : the birth of liberty. (New World Records : 80276-2; originally issued as NW 276) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1 .M87 1996 - B. Harris
- Yes sir, that's my baby : the golden years of Tin Pan Alley, 1920-1929. (New World Records : 80279-2; originally issued as NW 279) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1630.18 .Y48 2002
Dark and light in Spanish New Mexico (New World Records : 80292-2) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1629.7.N57 D3 1995 - E. Matos
Come and trip it : instrumental dance music, 1780s-1920s. (New World Records : 29380293-2; originally issued as NW 293) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1356 .C64 1994 - S. Sharrieff
The gospel ship : Baptist hymns & white spirituals from the southern mountains. (New World Records : 80294-2; originally issued as NW 294) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M2122 .G68 1994 - R. Greenlee
Songs of love, luck, animals & magic : music of the Yurok and Tolowa Indians. (New World Records : 80297-2.; originally issued as NW 297) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1669 .S6647 1994 - S. Smallwood
- Federal Music Society, Music of the federal era (New World Records : 80299-2; originally released as NW 299) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1.F43 M87 1994
- Oku shareh : turtle dance songs of San Juan Pueblo. (New World Records : 80301-2) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1669 .O58 1993
American Brass Quintet Brass Band, The Yankee brass band : Music from mid-nineteenth century America (New World Records : 80312-2) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1200.A44 Y3 1996 - J. Ambrocio
- Back in the saddle again : American cowboy songs. (New World Records : 80314-2) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1977.C6 B33
Samuel Barber, Antony and Cleopatra (New World Records : NW322/323/324-2) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1500.B25 A5 1984 - A. Naranjo
- Songs and dances of the Eastern Indians from Medicine Spring & Allegany (New World Records : 80337-2; originally issued as NW 337) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1669 .S65 1985
The Early Minstrel Show (New World Records : 80338-2) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1365 .E47 1998 - K. Trent
- Powwow songs : music of the Plains Indians. (New World Records : 80343-2) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1669 .P69 1986
- Jay McShann, Going to Kansas City (New World Records NW 358-2) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1366.M35 G64 1987
Richard Rodgers, Rodgers and Hart's Babes in arms (New World Records : NW 386-2) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1500.R63 B32 1990 - K. Daniels
- Jerome Kern, Sitting Pretty (New World Records : 80387-2) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1500.K47 S58 1990
- Navajo songs from Canyon de Chelly (New World Records : 80406-2) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1669 .N39 1990
- Cole Porter, Fifty million Frenchmen (New World Records : 80417-2) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1500.P67 F53 1991
- Wiregrass Sacred Harp Singers, The colored sacred harp (New World Records : 80433-2) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M2117.C65 C6 1993
- The flowering of vocal music in America, 1767-1823 (New World Records : 80467-2; originally issued as NW 230 & NW 231) UCF Main Library - Media - CD pt.1-2 M1495 .F56 1994
- American Moravian Chamber Ensemble (John Antes & Johann Friedrich Peter) (New World Records: 80507-2.80507-2) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M177.A44 J64 1997
Sterling Jubilee Singers, Jesus hits like the atom bomb (New World Records :80513-2) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M2198.S74 J4 1997 - M. Evans
- Desire for piety : songs from the B.F. White sacred harp. (New World Records : 80519-2) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M2082.S3 D4 1997
William Billings, Wake ev'ry breath (New World Records : 80539-2) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M3.1.B55 W34 1998 - M. Klavins
George Gershwin, Tip-toes and Tell me more (New World Records : 80598-2) UCF Main Library - Media - CD Disc 1-2 M1500.G47 T56 2001 - C. Cobb
American Brass Quintet Brass Band, A storm in the land : music of the 26th North Carolina Regimental Band C.S.A. (New World Records : 80608) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1200.A44 S86 2002 - T. Koffinas
Paragon Ragtime Orchestra, Black Manhattan : theater and dance music of James Reese Europe, Will Marion Cook, and members of the legendary Clef Club. (New World Records : 80611-2) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1366.P23 B61 2003 - H. White
- Enfield Shaker Singers, I am filled with heavenly treasures (New World Records : 80617-2) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M2131.S4 E64 2004
Joe Jordan, From barrelhouse to Broadway : the musical odyssey of Joe Jordan. (New World Records : 80649-2) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M3.1.J67 F76 2006 - D. Ward
Cheer, boys, cheer! : music of the 26th N.C. Regimental Band, CSA. Volume 2 (New World Records : 80652-2) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1200.A44 C54 2006 - T. McGurk
George M. Cohan, You're a grand old rag (New World Records : 80685-2) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M3.1.C63 S45 2008 - C. Almonte
Louis A. Hirsch, Midnight frolic : the Broadway theater music of Louis A. Hirsch. (New World Records : 80707-2) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1506.H57 S66 2010 - J. Wong
Victor Herbert, Eileen : a romantic comic opera (New World Records : 80733-2) UCF Main Library - Media - CD Disc 1-2 M1500 .H537 E35 2012 - LOST
- Richard Rodgers & Lorenz Hart, Dearest enemy : an American musical comedy (New World Records : 80749) UCF Main Library - Media - CD Disc 1-2 M1500.R62 D43 2013
Jerome Kern, Roberta (New World Records : 80760-2) UCF Main Library - Media - CD Disc 1-2 M1500.K47 R6 2014 - G. Henriquez Cabrera
The Pioneers of movie music : sounds of the American silent cinema. (New World Records : 80761-2) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M176.P5 P56 2014 - R. Polk
Irving Berlin, This is the life! (New World Records : 80773) UCF Main Library - Media - CD M1630.2.B47 T47 2015 - S. Abel
Updated: 11:45 AM, 26 February 2020