MUH 2017 (Summer "B" 2012)
Instructor: Scott Warfield

SECTION 1 (Class Nbr: 50585) - Class Meetings: M-Tu-W-Th 8:00 am - 9:50 am
Location: Classroom Building 1 (CL1) 0121

This web page and its associated links serve as a communication site for MUH 2017 at the University of Central Florida. Posted here are various information pages, assignments, study guides, and links to useful web sites. Students in MUH 2017 are free to print any of these pages for their own use in the course.

Syllabus - Overview of the course, grading policies, etc.

Daily Assignments - A complete list of all specific assignments, class announcements, and other reminders in chronological order

What's That Sound (3rd ed.)

The publisher-supported web site that accompanies the textbook required for this course. Remember that we are using the third edition. Included here are Chapter Outlines that will help you organize your reading and studying, and Reverb pages that will give you both information about the songs to be studied and links to web sites where you may purchase these items. Also see the Podcasts on "The Elements of Rock and Roll", which are found on the home page of second edition's web site.

Review Sheets for Covach, What's That Sound? (3rd ed.)

Use these sheets to prepare for MUH 2017 Tests.

PowerPoint Slides from Class Lectures

For Those without Microsoft PowerPoint installed on your computer, there are at least two free alternatives available for downloading from the web:

Supplemental Items

A list of items used in class and now in the UCF Library.

"eCommunity" Home page

This is the home page of UCF's "eCommunity," the web-based group email program that will allow you to communicate with other students and faculty with whom you have particular connections. In this case, you are part of the MUH 2017 eCommunity (as well as any other courses and groups on campus to which you might belong). Log in using your Network ID and NID Password, or use the "help" button for instructions on how to access and use your account.

Useful Web Sites for "History of Rock"

General Interest

Lyrics Mode
One of several web sites that provides printed lyrics to many popular songs.
Urban Dictionary
A somewhat useful web site for clarifying the meaning of recent (and earlier) slang words and expressions, especially those with possible sexual connotations.
Alan Freed (official site)
"OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF THE DISC JOCKEY WHO COINED THE PHRASE 'ROCK ’N’ ROLL' ” (maintained by Freed's daughter-in-law)

Halls of Fame

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame & Museum
The Cleveland-based institute dedicated to educating visitors, fans and scholars from around the world about the history and continuing significance of rock and roll music. See "inductees" (on the menu bar across the upper part of the screen) for a list of some of the most important figures in the history of rock and related styles of music. Click on indivdual names for biographical sketches and additional information.
Country Music Hall of Fame
See the list of inductees (menu at ther left) or use the search window at the top (use the word "rock") to find individuals who might be important to the history of rock 'n roll and related sounds.
Rockabilly Hall of Fame
A web site devoted to the early crossing of country with other styles including swing, boogie-woogie, and the blues. Many links to additional information and even sound files.
Blues Hall of Fame
Web site of a planned museum devoted to the blues. Chiefly lists of important blues performers, some with links to additional external resources.


Rolling Stone 500 Greatest Songs of All Time
Actually, the 500 greatest songs since the advent of Rock 'n Roll, as determined by Rolling Stone magazine.
Rolling Stone 500 Greatest Albums of All Time
As with the above list, actually the 500 greatest albums since the advent of Rock 'n Roll, as determined by Rolling Stone magazine.
Rolling Stone 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time
Another list of all-time greatest performers, as determined by Rolling Stone magazine.

Web sites for Sound Files and Videos

Probably the most widely watched source of free videos currently on the web.
A commercial web site hosted by Apple where you can purchase all songs used with What's That Sound?
MSN Music
Another commercial web site where you can purchase all songs used with What's That Sound?. Search by either performers or titles. Brief samples provided of most tracks.
A commercial web site that covers most popular styles of music. Allows extensive streaming and downloading of videos and sound files. Search by artists or by categories of styles.
Progressive Rock Archives
"PROG ARCHIVES intends to be the most complete and powerful progressive rock resource. You can find the progressive rock music discographies from 4,398 bands & artists, 22,835 albums (LP, CD and DVD), 186,652 ratings and reviews from 23,872 members who also participate in our active forum." (from the web site)
"Grooveshark is the world's largest on-demand music streaming and discovery service. Over 30 million users flock to Grooveshark to listen to their favorite music, create playlists, discover new tunes, and share it all with friends via Facebook, Twitter, social news sites, and more."
"Pandora is a streaming music web site that uses the 'Music Genome Project' to identify and play music similar to songs and styles that listeners already like.


American Vernacular Music
The website established for a special topics course in American music. See the many external links to such topics as African-American Music, Minstrelsy, Ragtime, Blues, and numerous other related genres.

updated: 24 June 2012 (sw)