Research on Space & Place: Sociology & Social Sciences


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General Bibliography

Abbott-Chapman, Joan, Robertson, Margaret. “Youth, Leisure and Home: Space, Place and Identity.” Society and Leisure 24:2 (Fall 2001): 485-506.

Agnew, John. “The Devaluation of Place in Social Science” in Agnew, John A. & James Duncan, eds. The Power of Place: Bringing Together Geographical and Sociological Imaginations. Boston: Unwin Hyman, 1989: 9-29.

Agnew, John A. & James Duncan, eds. The Power of Place: Bringing Together Geographical and Sociological Imaginations. Boston: Unwin Hyman, 1989.

Agnew,John. “Representing Space: space, scale and culture in social science.” In Duncan,James; Ley,David, eds. Place/Culture/Representation. Routledge, London and New York, 1993: 251-271.

Allen, John & Michael Pryke. “The Production of Service Space.” Environment and Planning D-Society & Space 12 (1994): 453-475.

Amin, Ash and Patrick Cohendet. “Geographies of Knowledge Formation in Firms”

Bærenholdt, Jørgen Ole and Kirsten Simonsen, eds. Space Odysseys: Spatiality and Social Relations in the 21st Century. Ashgate Publishers, 2004.

Baldry, C. “Space – The Final Frontier” Sociology 33 (1999): 535-553.

Bantjes, R. “Benthamism in the Countryside: The Architecture of Rural Space.” Journal of the History of Sociology 10 (1997): 249-269.

Barnes, T. J. “Place, space, and theories of economic value: Contextualism and essentialism in economic-geography.” Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 14 (1989): 299-316.

Barnes, Trevor J. Logics of Dislocation: Models, Metaphors and Meanings of Economic Space (Mappings). NY: Guilford, 1996.

Bates, Benjamin R. “The New York Yankees and the Conservative Use of Space.” Ethnologies 24:1 (2002)

Bauder, Harald. “Culture in the Labor Market: Segmentation Theory and Perspectives of Place.” Progress in Human Geography 25:1 (March 2001): 37-52.

Baviskar, Amita. “Strong Sense of Self and Place.”

Beggs, John J., Wayne J. Villemez, and Ruth Arnold. “Black Population Concentration and Black-White Inequality: Expanding the Consideration of Place and Space Effects.” Social Forces 76:1 (1997): 65-91.

Bélanger, Anouk. “Time, Space and the Study of Urban Collective Memory: A Framework to Analyze Power Relations at Play in the Production of Memory.” Canadian Journal of Urban Research 11:1 (June 2002).

Bhaskar, Roy. “Beef, Structure and Place: Notes from a Critical Naturalist Perspective.” Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 13:1 (1983): 81-95.

Blokland, Talja and Mike Savage. “Networks, Class and Place.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 25:2 (June 2001): 221-226.

Blomley, N. K. Law, Space, and the Geographies of Power. New York: Guilford Press, 1994.

Boden, D and H. L. Molotch. “The Compulsion of Proximity.” Friedland, Roger and Deirdre Boden, eds. NowHere: space, time and modernity. Berkeley: University of California, 1994: 257-286.

Bohlin, Anna. “Contested memories: Place, belonging and dispossession in Kalk Bay.”

Bonner, Kieran. A Great Place to Raise Kids: Interpretation, Science, and the Rural/Urban Debate. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s Press, 1999.

Borden, Iain. Skateboarding, Space and the City: Architecture and the Body. Oxford: Berg, 2001.

Borgstrom Hansson C.; Wackernagel M. “Rediscovering place and accounting space: how to re-embed the human economy.” Ecological Economics 29:2 (May 1999): 203-213.

Bourdieu, Pierre. “Social Space and Symbolic Power” Sociological Theory 7:1 (Spring 1989): 14-25.

Bourdieu, Pierre, Gisele Sapiro, Brian McHale. “Social Space and Symbolic Space: Introduction to a Japanese Reading of Distinction.” Poetics Today 12:4 (Winter 1991): 627-638.

Bridger, J. C. “Community Imagery and the Built Environment.” Sociological Quarterly 3 (1996): 353-374.

Brown, B & D. Perkins. “Disruptions in Place Attachment” in I Altman & S. Low, eds., Place Attachment. New York: Plenum Press, 1992: 279-304.

Brown, Barry and Kenton O’Hara. “Place as a Practical Concern of Mobile Workers.”

Brown, Nina. “Edward T. Hall and Proxemic Theory”

Brown, Nina. “Ellen Churchill Semple: The Anglo-Saxons of the Kentucky Mountains, 1901”

Bull, Michael. Sounding Out the City: Personal Stereos and the Management of Everyday Life. Oxford: Berg, 2000.

Bulot, Thierry. “The double articulation of urban spatiality: “urbanized spaces” and “places in the city” in sociolinguistics.” in Marges Linguistiques 3 (May 2002): 91-105. English abstract:, French paper:

Canter, D. “Putting situations in their place.” In A. Furnham (ed.), Social behaviour in context. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1986.

Caragata, Lee. “New Meanings of Place: The Place of the Poor and the Loss of Place as a Center of Mediation.” in Light, Andrew & Jonathan Smith, eds. Philosophies of Place: Philosophy and Geography III. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 1999.

Cartier, C. L. “The dead, place/space, and social activism: constructing the nationscape in historic Melaka.” Environment and Planning D-Society & Space 15:5 (1997): 555-586.

Childress, Herb. Landscapes of Betrayal, Landscapes of Joy: Curtisville in the Lives of its Teenagers. Albany: SUNY Press, 2000.

Christaller, Walter. Central Places in Southern Germany. Trans. C. W. Baskin. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1966. Partial translation of Die zentralen Orte in Süddeutschland. Jena: Gustav Fischer, 1933.

Christaller, Walter. “Raumtheorie und Raumordnung” Archiv für Wirtschaftsplanung. 1 (1941): 116-35.

Christaller, Walter. “”Beiträge zu einer Geographie des Fremdenverkehrs,” Erdkunde 9 (1955), 1-19.

Christaller, Walter. “How I discovered the Theory of Central Places: A Report about the Origin of Central Places. in: English, P.W. and R.C. Mayfield, eds., Man Space and Environment. Oxford Univ. Press, 1972, pp.601-610.

Churchman, A &; Mitrani, M. “The role of the physical environment in culture shock.” Environment and Behavior 29:1 (1997): 64-86.

Cohen, Anthony P. “A sense of time, a sense of place: the meaning of close social association in Whalsay, Shetland.” In: Belonging. Manchester, Eng.: Manchester University Press, 1982: 21-49.

Collignon, B. “Sense of place and cultural identities: Inuit domestic spaces in transition/Esprit des lieux et modeles culturels. La mutation des espaces domestiques en arctique inuit.” Annales de Geographie 620 (2001): 383-404.

Cooke, Philip. “Locality-theory and the poverty of ‘spatial variation’.” Antipode 21:3 (1989): 261-273.

Cooper, Adrian. “Adolescent dilemmas of landscape, place, and religious experience in a Suffolk Parish.” Environment and Planning D-Society & Space 13 (1995): 349-363.

Corcoran, Mary. “Place Attachment and Community Sentiment in Marginalized Neighbourhoods: A European Case Study.” Canadian Journal of Urban Research 11:1 (June 2002).

Cox, Helen M. & Colin Holmes. “Loss, Healing, and the Power of Place.” Human Studies 23:1 (January 2000): 63-78.

Crabtree, Andy. “Remarks on the Social Organisation of Space and Place.” Journal of Mundane Behavior 1:1 (February 2000).

Cutchin, Malcolm P. “Deweyan Integration: Moving beyond Place Attachment in Elderly Migration Theory.” International Journal of Aging and Human Development 52:1 (2001): 29-44.

Cylwik, Helen. “Notes from the Field: Emotions of Place in the Production and Interpretation of Text.” International Journal of Social Research Methodology 4:3 (July-September 2001): 243-250.

Dahlberg, Kenneth A. “Contextual Analysis: Taking Space, Time, and Place Seriously.” International Studies Quarterly 27:3 (September 1983): 257-266.

Deacon, Harriet. The Place and Space of Illness: Climate and Garden as Metaphors in the Robben Island Medical Institutions.

Dorier-Apprill, E. and Cécile Van Den Avenne. “Toponymic usages and pratices of the urban space in Mopti (Mali)” in Marges Linguistiques 3 (May 2002): 151-158. English abstract:, French paper:

Duncan, Simon & Mike Savage. “Space, Scale and Locality.” Antipode 21:3 (December 1989): 179-206.

Dybbroe,Susanne. “Local Organisation and Cultural Identity in Greenland in a National Perspective.” North Atlantic Studies 3:1 (1991): 5-17.

Elwood, Sarah and Deborah Martin. “‘Placing’ Interviews: Location and Scales of Power in Qualitative Research.” The Professional Geographer 52:4 (2000): 649-657.

Erickson, Thomas. “Some Notes on the Experience of Being a Teleworker.” Environmental and Architectural Phenomenology (Fall 1998)

Fearon, David. “George Simmel: The Sociology of Space.”

Featherstone,Mike. “Global and local cultures.” In Jon Bird et. al., eds. Mapping the futures: local cultures, global change. Routledge, London, 1993: 169-187.

Feldman, Lynne. A Sense of Place: Birmingham’s Black Middle-Class Community, 1890-1930. Birmingham: University of Alabama Press, 2000.

Feldman, Roberta & Susan Stall. The Dignity of Resistance: Women Residents’ Activism in Chicago Public Housing. Cambridge University Press, 2004.

Ferrao, Joao. “Tertiarization and Territory: The Emergence of a New Configuration of Space?; Terciarizacao e territorio: emergencia de novas configuracoes espaciais?”.Analise Social 26:5(114) (1991): 829-845.

Finkelstein, Joanne. “The Place of Place in Sociology.” Postcolonial Studies 2:3 (November 1999): 285-287.

Fournier, Valérie, Geoff Lightfoot. “Stages of busi(-)ness and identity.” Ethnologies 24:1 (2002)

Fortier, Anne-Marie. “Space, Place and Icons: The Shaping and Negotiation of Belonging(s).”

Friedland, Roger and Deirdre Boden, eds. NowHere: space, time and modernity. Berkeley: University of California, 1994.

Fure, Jorunn Sem. “German memory and identity: On both sides of the Oder-Neisse.”

Gaffin, Dennis. “Offending and Defending US Rural Place: The Mega-Dump Battle in Western New York.” Human Organization 56:3 (Fall 1997): 275-293.

Gans, Herbert. “The Sociology of Space: A Use-Centered View.” City and Community 1:4 (December 2002): 329-339.

Gegeo, David Welchman. “Cultural Rupture and Indigeneity: The Challenge of (Re)visioning “Place” in the Pacific.” The Contemporary Pacific 13:2 (Fall 2001): 491-507.

Germain, Annick and Julie Elizabeth Gagnon. “Is Neighbourhood a Black Box? A Reply to Galster, Metzger and Waite.” Canadian Journal of Urban Research 8:2 (December 1999): 172-184.

Gieryn, Thomas F. “A Space for Place in Sociology.” Annual Review of Sociology, 26:1 (2000): 463-506.

Gieryn, Thomas F. “Give Place a Chance: Reply to Gans” City and Community 1:4 (December 2002): 341-343.

Goffman, Erving, “The Insanity of Place” in Relations in Public: Microstudies of the Public Order. New York: Basic Books, Inc., Publishers, 1976.

Goldman, Robert, Stephen Papson and Noah Kersey. Landscapes of Capital: Representing Time, Space, and Globalization in Corporate Advertising.

Gottdiener, Mark. The Social Production of Urban Space, 2nd Edition. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1985, 1994.

Gottdiener, Mark. “Space as a force of production: Contribution to the debate on Realism, Capitalism and Space.” Journal of Urban and Regional Research 11:1 (September 1987): 405-416.

Gottdiener, Mark. The Theming of America: Dreams, Visions, and Commercial Spaces. NY: HarperCollins, 1997.

Gregory, David. “Chinatown Part Three? Soja and the missing spaces of social theory.” Strategies 3 (1990).

Gregson, Nicky, Louise Crewe, Kate Brooks. “Shopping, Space and Practice.” Environment and Planning D-Society & Space 20:5 (October 2002): 597 – 617.

Grierson, Elizabeth M. “From Cemeteries To Cyberspace: Identity and a Globally Technologised Age.”

Grenzer, Elke. “The Topographies of Memory in Berlin: The Neue Wache and The Memorial for the Murdered Jews of Europe.” Canadian Journal of Urban Research 11:1 (June 2002).

Gustafson, P. “Roots and routes: Exploring the relationship between place attachment and mobility.” Environment and Behaviour 33:5 (2001): 667-686.

Haeberle, S.H. “People or place: variations in community leaders’ subjective definitions of neighborhood.” Urban Affairs Quarterly 23:4 (1988): 616-634.

Halford, Susan. “Towards a Sociology of Organizational Space” Sociological Research Online 9:1 (2004)

Hall T.; Coffey A.; Williamson H. “Self, Space and Place: youth identities and citizenship.” British Journal of Sociology of Education 20:4 (1 December 1999): 501-513.

Hayden, Karen. “Stigma and Place: Space, Community, and the Politics of Reputation.” Studies in Symbolic Interaction 23 (2000): 219-239.

Herrigel, Gary. “Space and Governance in New Old Economy Manufacturing Industries”

Hetherington, Kevin. “Spatial Textures: Place, Touch and Praesentia.” Environment and Planning A 35:11 (November 2003): 1933 – 1944

Hetherington, Kevin. Expressions of Identity: Space, Performance, Politics. Sage Publications, 1998.

Hillier, B. and J. Hanson. The Social Logic of Space. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984.

Hook, Derek & Vrdoljak, Michele. “Gated communities, heterotopia and a “rights” of privilege: a `heterotopology’ of the South African security-park.” Geoforum [New York] 33:2 (May 2002): 195-219.

Hyndman, David C. “Back to Future: Trophy Arrays as Mental Maps in the Wopkaimin’s Culture of Place.” in Willis-Roy (ed. pref. & introd.); Ucko-Peter-J. (fwd.). Signifying Animals: Human Meaning in the Natural World. London: Routledge, 1994: 63-73

Jackson, Wes. “Matfield Green.” Vitek, William & Wes Jackson, eds. Rooted in the Land: Essays on Community and Place. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1996: 95-103.

Jacobs, Katrien. “Pornography in Small Spaces and Other Places.”

Jargowsky, P. A. Poverty and Place: Ghettos, Barrios and the American City. New York: Russell Sage, 1997.

Jessop, Bob. “From Localities Via the Spatial Turn To Spatio-Temporal Fixes: A Strategic-Relational Odyssey.”

Jessop, Bob. “On the Spatio-Temporal Logics of Capital’s Globalization and their Manifold Implications for State Power.”

Jessop, Bob. “The Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Capital and its Globalization – and how they Challenge State Power and Democracy.”

Johnstone, Barbara. Stories, Community, and Place: Narratives from Middle America. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1990.

Kalb, Don. “Class (In Place) without Capitalism (In Space)? International Labor and Working Class History 57 (Spring 2000): 31-39.

Kellerman, Aharon. “The Decycling of Time and the Reorganization of Urban Space.” Cultural Dynamics 4:1 (1991): 38-54.

Kellerman, Aharon. “Information and the Fusion of Spatialites.”

Keogan, K. “A Sense of Place: The Politics of Immigration and the Symbolic Construction of Identity in Southern California and the New York Metropolitan Area.” Sociological Forum 17:2 (June 2002): 223-253.

Krupat, E. “A Place for Place Identity.” Journal of Environmental Psychology 3(1983): 343-344.

Lamizet, Bernard. “What is a urban space?” in Marges Linguistiques 3 (May 2002): 179-200. English abstract, French paper.

Lamont, Michèle and Virág Molnár. “The Study of Boundaries in the Social Sciences.” Annual Review of Sociology 28 (2002): 167-195.

Lasch, Christopher. The True and Only Heaven: Progress and its Critics. New York: Norton, 1990.

Lash, Scott & John Urry. Economies of Sign and Space. Sage Publications, 1994.

Laurier, Eric. City of Glas/z. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Wales, 1995.

Laurier, Eric, Angus Whyte, Kathy Buckner. “‘I Saw You’ or, Love’s labour lost: the spatial work of finding
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Laurier, Eric. “This Wreckless Landscape”

Laurier. E. “Bruno Latour.” Phil Hubbard, Rob Kitchin and Gill Valentine, eds. Key Thinkers on Space and Place. London, Sage, 2004.

Laurier, E. ‘The region as a socio-technical accomplishment’ Barry Brown, Nicola Green & Richard Harper, eds. Wireless World, Social and Interactional Aspects of the Mobile Age London: Springer Verlag, 2001: 46-60.

Laurier, E. “Driving and Working on Motorways.”

Laurier, E. “The Cat in the Shed” Pets as Moral and Spatial Features of a Community.”

Laurier, Eric and Chris Philo. “The Region in the Boot: Mobilising Lone Subjects and Multiple Objects.” Environment and Planning D-Society & Space 21:1 (February 2003): 85-106.

Law, John and Annemarie Mol. “Situating Technoscience: An Inquiry into Spatialities.” Environment and Planning D-Society & Space 19:5 (2001): 609-621.

Law, John and Vicki Singleton. “Allegory and its Others.”
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Lechner, Frank J. “Simmel on Social Space.” Theory, Culture and Society 8:3 (August 1991): 195-201.

Leslie, Deborah and David Butz. “”GM suicide”: flexibility, space and the injured body; General Motors Corp” Economic Geography 74:4 (October, 1998): 360ff.

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Light, Andrew. “The Urban Blind Spot in Environmental Ethics.”

Lindon-Villoria, Alicia. “Space and Territory: Context of Meaning in the Works of Simmel, Heidegger and Ortega y Gasset; El espacio y el territorio: contexto de significado en las obras de Simmel, Heidegger y Ortega y Gasset.” Estudios Sociologicos 14:40 (January-April 1996): 227-239.

Lipietz, Alain and Georges Benko. “From the regulation of space to the space of regulation.” Geo Journal 44.4 : 275-281, 1998.

Mairs, Nancy. Remembering the Bone House: An Erotics of Place and Space. New York: Harper & Row, 1989; Beacon Press, 1995.

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McPhail, Ken. “Accounting as Space: Accounting and the Geo-Politics of Social Space.”

Meyrowitz, Joshua. No Sense of Place: The Impact of Electronic Media on Social Behaviour. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985.

Milligan, M. J. “Interactional Past and Present: The Social Construction of Place Attachment.” Symbolic Interaction 21 (1998): 1-33.

Mitchell, William J. City of Bits: Space, Place, and the Infobahn. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1997.

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Mondada, Lorenza “The city is not made of anonymous people: categorization process and urban space” in Marges Linguistiques 3 (May 2002): 72-90. English abstract:, French paper:

Moore, R.L., and A.R. Graefe. “Attachment to recreation settings: The case of rail-trail users.” Leisure Sciences 16 (1994): 17-31.

Munt, Sally, ed. Technospaces: Inside the New Media. London: Continuum, 2001.

Nelson, Lise. “Decentering the movement: collective action, place, and the ‘sedimentation’ of radical political discourses” Environment and Planning D-Society & Space 21:5 (October 2003): 559 – 581.

North, Peter. “Explorations in heterotopia: Local Exchange Trading Schemes (LETS) and the micropolitics of money and livelihood.” Environment and Planning D-Society & Space 17 (1999): 69-86.

Nye, David E. Narratives and Space: Technology and the Construction of American Culture. NY: Columbia University Press, 1997.

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Oldenburg, R. The Great Good Place: Cafés, Coffee Shops, Community Centers, Beauty Parlors, General Stores, Bars, Hangouts, and How They Get You Through the Day. New York: Paragon House, 1989; Marlowe & Co., 1994.

Oldenburg, Ray, ed. Celebrating the Third Place: Inspiring Stories About the “Great Good Places” at the Heart of Our Communities. Marlowe & Co., 2002.

Olwig, Karen Fog. “Caribbean Place Identity: From Family Land to Region and Beyond.” Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power 5:3 (April 1999): 435-467.

Orum, Anthony. “All the World’s A Coffee Shop: Reflections on Place, Community and Identity” Michael Benton, Melissa Purdue, and G. Wesley Houp, eds. Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture 5:3 (Summer 2005)

Osborne, Thomas, Nikolas Rose. “Spatial phenomenotechnics: making space with Charles Booth and Patrick Geddes.” Environment and Planning D-Society & Space 22:2 (April 2004): 209-228.

Oswald, Laura. “The Place and Space of Consumption in a Material World.”

Peck, Jamie. “Economic Sociologies in Space?”

Pietrykowski, Bruce. “Fordism at Ford: spatial decentralization and labor segmentation at the Ford Motor Company, 1920-1950.” Economic Geography 71:4 (October 1995): 383ff.

Platt, Katherine. “Places of experience and the experience of place.” In L. Rouner (Ed.), The longing for home. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 1996: 112-127.

Porter, Marilyn. Place and Persistence in the Lives of Newfoundland Women: Towards an understanding of women’s lives in Newfoundland. Ashgate Press, 1993.

Proshansky, H. M. “Place-Identity in Urban Settings.”

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Rabinowitz, Dan. “Strife in Nazareth: Struggles over the Religious Meaning of Place.” Ethnography 2:1 (March 2001): 93-113.

Raivo, Petri J. “In This Very Place: War Memorials and Landscapes as an Experienced Heritage.”

Ramo, Hans. “An Aristotelian Human Time-Space Manifold: From Chronochora to Kairotopos.” Time and Society 8:2 (September 1999): 309-328.

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Read, Peter. Returning to Nothing: The Meaning of Lost Places. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997.

Rivlin, L. G. “Group membership and place meanings in an urban neighbourhood.” Journal of Social Issues 38 (1982): 75-93.

Rodman, Margaret, Patti Hall Hawkins and Daniel Teramura. “It’s Not Over: Vari Hall as Contested Academic Space at York University.” Canadian Journal of Urban Research 7:1 (June 1998): 47-71.

Rowles, Graham. “Growing Old ‘Inside’: Aging and Attachment to Place in an Appalachian Community.” N. Datan & N. Lohmann, eds. Transitions of Aging. New York: Academic Press, 1980: 153-170.

Scheflen, Albert E. & Norman Ashcraft. Human Territories: How We Behave in Space-Time. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1976.

Schegloff, Emanuel. “Notes on a Conversational Practice: Formulating Place.” in David Sudnow, ed. Studies in Social Interaction. New York: The Free Press, 1972.

Schneekloth, L.H., and R.G. Shibley. Placemaking: the art and practice of building communities. New York, N.Y.: John Wiley & Sons, 1995.

Sherry, John F. “Place, Technology, and Representation.” Journal of Consumer Research 27:2 (September 2000): 273-278.

Sibley, D. “Sensations and spatial science: gratification and anxiety in the production of ordered landscapes.” Environment and Planning A 30:2 (1998): 235-246.

Simonsen, Kirsten. “What Kind of Space in What Kind of Social Theory?” Progress in Human Geography 20:4 (1996): 494-512.

Simonsen, Kirsten. “Space as Social Category; Rum som social kategori.” Grus 58 (1999): 5-21.

Skop, Emily H. “Race and Place in the Adaptation of Mariel Exiles.” International Migration Review 35:134 (Summer 2001): 449-471.

Sliavaite, Kristina. “‘Us’ and ‘Them’: Ethnic boundaries and social processes in multi-ethnic Ignalina nuclear power plant community in Lithuania.”

Smith, Barry. “Objects and Their Environments: From Aristotle to Ecological Ontology”. Andrew Frank (ed.), The Life and Motion of Socioeconomic Units, London: Taylor and Francis, forthcoming.

Smith, Philip. “The Elementary Forms of Place and Their Transformations: A Durkheimian Model.” Qualitative Sociology 22:1 (Spring 1999): 13-36.

Somerville, Margaret & Laura Hartley. “Eating Place: Postcolonial Explorations of Embodiment and Place.” Journal of Intercultural Studies 21:3 (December 2000): 353-364.

Sopher, David. “Place and Location: Notes on the Spatial Patterning of Culture.” Social Science Quarterly 53(1972): 321-337. See also L. Schneider and C. Bonjean, eds. The Idea of Culture in the Social Science. Cambridge University Press, 1973: 101-117.

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Stedman, Richard Clark. Up North: A Social Psychology of Place. Dissertation. University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2001.

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Stichweh, Rudolph. “Space, Regions and Cities in Systems Theory; Raum, Region und Stadt in der Systemtheorie.” Soziale Systeme 4:2 (1998): 341-358.

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Tajbakhsh, Kian. The Promise of the City: Space, Identity and Politics in Contemporary Social Thought. University of California Press, 2001.

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Vianello, Mino. “Gender, Space and Power.” International Review of Sociology 6:3 (1996): 333-355.

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White, Allen. “Organic functionalism, `community’ and place: refugee studies and the geographical constitution of refugee identities.” Geoforum 33:1 (January 2002): 73-83.

Williams, Daniel, Cary D. McDonald, Carla Riden, Muzaffer Uysal. “Community Attachment, Regional Identity and Resident Attitudes Toward Tourism.”

Williams, Susan. “The Prophecy of Place: A Labor Market Study of Young Women and Education.” American Journal of Economics and Sociology 61:2 (July 2002): 681-712.

Yakhlef, Ali. “Spatial and Temporal Innovations: The Case of Virtual Organisation”

Young, Craig & Duncan Light. “Place, National Identity and Post-Socialist Transformations: An Introduction.” Political Geography 20:8 (2001): 941-955.

Young, Lorraine. “The ‘place’ of street children in Kampala, Uganda: marginalisation, resistance, and acceptance in the urban environment.” Environment and Planning D-Society & Space 21:5 (October 2003): 607 – 627.

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Zukin, Sharon. “What’s Space Got to Do With It.” City and Community 1:4 (December 2002): 345-348.

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