Research on Space & Place: Religious Studies, Theology, Spirituality



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    General Bibliography

    n.a. “Sacred Space, Holy Place, and Suchlike.”

    Ackerman, Joy. “A Politics of Place: Reading the Signs at Walden Pond.” Michael Benton, Melissa Purdue, and G. Wesley Houp, eds. Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture 5:3 (Summer 2005)

    Anttonen, V. “Rethinking the sacred: The notions of “human body” and “territory” in conceptualizing religion.” T. A. Idinopulos and E. A. Yonan, Eds., The sacred and its scholars: Comparative religious methodologies for the study of primary religious data. Leiden: Brill, 1996: 36-64.

    Anttonen, V. “Space, body, and the notion of boundary: A category-theoretical approach to religion.” Temenos 41:2 (2005).

    Bello, Angela-Ales. “The Space of the Goddess. A Phenomenological Excavation in Archaic Sacrality.” International Review of Sociology 6:3 (1996): 429-436.

    Bergmann, Sigurd. “Space and Spirit: Towards a Theology of Inhabitation” in Bergmann, Sigurd (ed.). Architecture, Aesth/Ethics and Religion. Frankfurt am Main: IKO-Verlag für interkulturelle Kommunikation 2005: 45-103.

    Bergmann, Sigurd. “Nature, religion and worldview – global, aesthetical and spatial perspectives.” in Science and Religion. Vladimir: Vladimir State University 2003: 43-59.

    Bergmann, Sigurd. “Space and Justice in Eco-Spirituality.” in J. Rüpke/V. Makrides (eds.), Religionen im Konflikt: Vom Bürgerkrieg über Ökogewalt bis zur Gewalterinnerung im Ritual. Münster: Aschendorff 2004: 212-225.

    Bergmann, Sigurd. “Raum und Gerechtigkeit: Ethische Perspektiven eines großräumigen Umweltschutzes.” in D. Hahlweg, D.-P. Häder, S. Bergmann, O. Seewald, J. Bauer, O. Aßmann, A. Sperling, Großräumiger Umweltschutz (Schriftenreihe für Ökologie und Ethologie vol. 28), Wien: Facultas 2002: 35-58.

    Bergmann, Sigurd, “Place and Perspective” in God in Context – A Survey of Contextual Theology, Aldershot: Ashgate 2003.

    Bergmann, Sigurd, “Rum och rättvisa [Space and justice]” in Kirke og kultur 2/3 (2003): 273-278.

    Bergmann, Sigurd. “Kan kyrkor flyga? Arkitekturens liturgi i estetisk och teologisk belysning” in: S.Å. Selander (ed.), Liturgi och språk, Skellefteå: Artos/Norma 2003, 88-110. [Can Churches Fly? The Liturgy of Architecture in Aesthetical and Theological Perspectives, …in SÅS, Liturgy and Language].

    Bergmann, Sigurd. “Nature, Religion and Worldview – Global, Aesthetical and Spatial Perspectives.” (Russian text), in: E. Arinin (ed.), Science and Religion, Vladimir: Vladimir State University 2004, 43-59.

    Bergmann, Sigurd, ed. Architecture, Aesth/Ethics and Religion. Frankfurt am Main: IKO-Verlag für interkulturelle Kommunikation 2005, London:Transaction Publishers 2005, 230 pps.

    Bergmann, Sigurd. Creation Set Free: The Spirit as Liberator of Nature (Vol. 4 in the series “Sacra Doctrina: Christian Theology for a Postmodern Age”), Grand Rapids, Michigan/Cambridge U.K.: Eerdmans 2005, (with a foreword by Jürgen Moltmann), especially chapter 5 on “Movement”, “Motion” and “The Ecology of the Holy Spirit as Transparency of Place”.

    Bergmann, Sigurd. “Theology in its Spatial Turn: Space, Place and Built Environments Challenging and Changing the Images of God ” Religion Compass 1 (2007): 1-27.

    Bergmann, Sigurd, Thomas Hoff & Tore Sager, eds. Spaces of Mobility: Essays on the Planning, Ethics, Engineering and Religion of Human Motion. Equinox Books, 2008.

    Boer, Roland. “Sanctuary and Womb: Henri Lefebvre and the Production of Space.”

    Bowman, Glenn. ” Nationalising the Sacred: Shrines and Shifting Identities in the Israeli-Occupied Territories” Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (Man). XXVIII:3. Sept. 1993. pp. 431-460.

    Bowman, Glenn. “Christian Pilgrimage: Structures of Devotion/Strictures of Obedience” in Biblical Interpretation: The Meanings of Scripture past and present (ed. John M.Court). London: T & T Clark International (Continuum). January 2004. pp. 24-43.

    Bowman, Glenn. “Mapping History’s Redemption: Eschatology and Topography in the Itinerarium Burdigalense” in Jerusalem: Its Sanctity and Centrality to Judaism, Christianity and Islam, ed. Lee I. Levine. New York & Jerusalem: Continuum Press and Magness Press. 1998. pp. 163-187.

    Bowman, Glenn. “Contemporary Christian Pilgrimage to the Holy Land” in Anthony O’Mahoney, ed., The Christian Heritage in the Holy Land London: Scorpion. 1995. pp. 288-310.

    Bowman, Glenn. “Pilgrim Narratives of Jerusalem and the Holy Land: A Study in Ideological Distortion” in Alan Morinis, ed. Sacred Journeys: The Anthropology of Pilgrimage (Contributions to the Study of Anthropology). Foreword Victor Turner. London: Greenwood. 1992. 149-168.

    Bowman, Glenn. “Christian Ideology and the Image of a Holy Land: The Place of Jerusalem Pilgrimage in the Various Christianities” in Contesting the Sacred: the Anthropology of Christian Pilgrimage (ed. Michael Sallnow and John Eade). London: Routledge. 1991. 98-121.

    Brenneman, Walter J. Jr. “The Circle and the Cross: Loric and Sacred Space in the Holy Wells of Ireland.” Seamon, David & Robert Mugerauer, Dwelling, Place, and Environment: Toward a Phenomenology of Person and World. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff, 1985: 137-158.

    Brenneman, W. L., Jr., and Brenneman, M. G. Crossing the Circle at the Holy Wells of Ireland. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1995.

    Brereton, J.P. “Sacred space.” M. Eliade, Ed., The encyclopedia of religion. New York: Macmillan, 1987: 526-35.

    Brueggeman, Walter. The Land: Place as Gift, Promise, and Challenge in Biblical Faith, 2nd Edition. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1977, 2002.

    Bruggeman, Walter. “‘Placed’ Between Promise and Command.” Vitek, William & Wes Jackson, eds. Rooted in the Land: Essays on Community and Place. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1996: 124-131.

    Buettner, M. Survey article on the history and philosophy of the geography of religion in Germany. Religion 10:2 (1980): 86-119.

    Cameron, J. “Place Perspective, Buddhism and Environmentalism.”

    Camp, Claudia. “Storied Space, or, Ben Sira “Tells” a Temple”

    Chamberlain, Paul G. “Topomystica: Investigation into the Concept of Mystic Place.” Journal of Cultural Geography 19:1 (2001): 97ff.

    Chidester, D. and Linenthal, E. T. Eds. American Sacred Space. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1995.

    Chivallon, Christine. “Religion as space for the expression of Caribbean identity in the United Kingdom.” Environment and Planning D-Society & Space 19:4 (August 2001): 461-483.

    Cole, Juan. Sacred Space and Holy War: The Politics, Culture and History of Shi’ite Islam. Palgrave Press, 2002.

    Conyers, A. J. “Why the Chattahoochee sings: Notes towards a theory of “place”” Modern Age 43:2 (2001): 99-106.

    Deal, William E. “Simulating Pure Land Space: The Hyperreality of a Japanese Buddhist Paradise.”

    Deal, William E. “Discourses of Religious Space.”

    Dozeman, Thomas B. ““Scriptural Maps” and the Journey from Kadesh through the Transjordan.”

    Eiesland, Nancy. A Particular Place: Urban Restructuring and Religious Ecology in a Southern Exurb. Rutgers University Press, 2000.

    Faure, Bernard. “Space and place in Chinese religious traditions.” In: History of religions 26:4 (1987): 337-356.

    Fillipi, Linda. “Place, Feminism, and Healing: An Ecology of Pastoral Counseling,” Journal of Pastoral Care (Fall 1991): 231-42.

    Flanagan, James W. “Constructions of Ancient Space.”

    Flanagan, James W. “Postmodern Perspectives on Premodern Space.”

    Flanagan, James W. “Ancient Perceptions of Space / Perceptions of Ancient Space.”

    Flanagan, James W. “The Trialectics of Biblical Studies.”

    Flanagan, James W. “Mapping the Biblical World: Perceptions of Space in Ancient Southwestern Asia.”

    Forbes, Boyte K. “It is all sacred: Foothill Konkow perceptions of sacred places.” Pennsylvania Geographer 36:1 (1998): 5-29.

    Friedland, Roger & Richard D. Hecht. “Power of place: the Nebi Musa pilgrimage and the origins of Palestinian nationalism.” In: Persistence of Religions: Essays in Honor of Kees W. Bolle — Malibu : Undena, 1996: 337-359.

    Gunn, David. “Te Kooti in Canaan or, Inhabiting the Bible and Possessing the Land.”

    Gunn, David. “The Stuff of Biblical Story: Reading the Things of Judges in the Space of Two Millennia.”

    Gurevitch, Zali & Aran, Gideon. “Never in Place: Eliade and Judaic Sacred Space.” Archives de sciences sociales des religions 39:87 (July-September 1994): 135-152.

    Hamma, Robert M. Landscapes of the Soul: A Spirituality of Place. Ave Maria Press, 1999.

    Harris, Chris “Toward an Understanding of Home: Levinas and the New Testament.” Religious Education 90:3/4 (Summer/Fall 1995): 433-444.

    Harvey, David C. “Constructed Landscapes and Social Memory: Tales of St. Samson in Early Medieval Cornwall.” Environment and Planning D-Society & Space 20:2 (April 2002): 231-248.

    Holloway, Julian. “Make-Believe: Spiritual Practice, Embodiment, and Sacred Space.” Environment and Planning A 35:11 (November 2003): 1961 – 1974.

    Huie-Jolly, Mary. “Word Reconstructing Flesh: Portable Christianity and its Fragile Earth Connection.”

    Inge, John. A Christian Theology of Place. Ashgate Publishers, 2003.

    Ivakhiv, Adrian J. Claiming Sacred Ground: Pilgrims and Politics at Glastonbury and Sedona. Indiana University Press, 2001. With Table of Contents and first chapter.

    Jung, L. Shannon, Charles H. Reynolds. “Autonomy as Justice: Spatiality and the Revelation of Otherness.” Journal of Religious Ethics 14:1 (1986): 161-178

    Kiong, Tong Chee and Lily Kong. “Religion and Modernity: Ritual Transformations and the Reconstruction of Space and Time.” Social and Cultural Geography.

    Knott, Kim. “Space” Revista de Estudos da Religião (REVER) 4:5 (2005): “Theoretical Issues in the Study of Religion”

    Knott, K. “The location of religion: A spatial analysis.” London and Oakville, CA: Equinox, 2005.

    Knott, K. “Spatial theory and method for the study of religion.” Temenos 41:2 (2005): 153-84.

    Kong, L. “Religion and technology: refiguring place, space, identity and community.” Area 33:4 (December 2001) 404-413.

    Kong, L. “Mapping “new” geographies of religion: politics and poetics in modernity.” Progress in Human Geography 25:2 (2001): 211-33.

    Koontz, Gayle Gerber. “Place with God: A Mennonite Perspective on the Sacred” Mennonite Life 55:2 (June 2000).

    Kormina, Jeanne. “Oral Stories about a Village Sacred Place: The Social Dimension of Narrative Tradition.”

    Kort, Wesley A. “Sacred/Profane and an Adequate Theory of Human Place-Relations.”

    Lane, B. Places of the Sacred: Geography and Narrative in American Spirituality. New York: Paulist Press, 1988.

    Lane, Belden. “Giving Voice to Place: Three Models for Understanding American Sacred Space.” Religion and American Culture 11:1 (Winter 2001): 53ff.

    Lapin, Hayim. “Space and Regional History: The Problem of Roman Palestine.”

    Leviton, Richard. The Galaxy on Earth: A Traveler’s Guide to the Planet’s Visionary Geography. Hampton Roads, 2002.

    Lilburne, Geoffrey. A Sense of Place: A Christian Theology of the Land. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1989.

    Long, Burke O. “Scenery of Eternity: William Foxwell Albright and Notions of “Holy Land””

    Long, Burke O. “Picturing Biblical Pasts.”

    MacDonald, Fraser. “Towards a spatial theory of worship: some observations from Presbyterian Scotland.” Social & Cultural Geography 3:1 (2002): 61-80.

    MacDonald, Mary N. Experiences of place. Cambridge, Mass.: Distributed by Harvard University Press for the Center for the Study of World Religions, Harvard Divinity School, c2003.

    Maier, Christi M. “Daughter Zion as a Gendered Space in the Book of Isaiah.”

    Mazumdar, Shampa & Sanjoy Mazumdar. “‘Women’s Significant Spaces’: Religion, Space, and Community.” Journal of Environmental Psychology 19:2 (June 1999): 159-170.

    McKeever, Michael Colin. “Refiguring Space in the Lukan Passion Narrative.”

    McNutt, Paula M. “Spatiality and Marginal Social Groups in Ancient Israel.”

    Meurant, R. The Aesthetics of the Sacred: A Harmonic Geometry of Consciousness and Philosophy of Sacred Architecture. Whangamat, New Zealand: The Institute of Traditional Studies, 1989; Opoutere Press.

    Millar, William R. “A Bakhtinian Reading of Narrative Space and Its Relationship to Social Space; Or, Finding the Lost Tribe of Levi and Why It Matters: A Study in Voice, Space, and Power.”

    Mitchell, W. J. T. “Holy Landscape: Israel, Palestine, and the American Wilderness.” in Mitchell, W. J. T. Landscape and Power, 2nd Edition. University of Chicago Press, 1994, 2002.

    Moltmann, Jurgen. “Shekinah: The Home of the Homeless God.” Rouner, L. S., ed. The longing for home. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 1996: 170-184.

    Mugerauer, Robert. “Mircea Eliade: Restoring the Possibilities of Place.” Environmental and Architectural Phenomenology 3:1: 10-12.

    Pahl, Jon. Shopping Malls and Other Sacred Spaces: Putting God in Place. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Brazos Press, 2003.

    Park, C. Sacred worlds: An introduction to geography and religion. London and New York: Routledge, 1994.

    Pezzoli-Olgiati, Daria. “Images of Cities in Ancient Religions: Some Methodological Considerations.”

    Pippin, Tina. “The Ideology of Apocalyptic Space.”

    Plantinga, Theodor. “Sacred Spaces”.

    Rabinowitz, Dan. “Strife in Nazareth: struggles over the religious meaning of place.” In: Ethnography 2:1 (2001): 93-113.

    Ray, S. “The Asrama-Anthem: Tagore’s Passion for Santiniketan.” in Tymieniecka, Anna-Teresa, ed. The Elemental Passion for Place in the Ontopoiesis of Life Passions of the Soul in the Imaginatio Creatrix. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995.

    Ray, S. “Visva-Bharati Santiniketan: Outcome and Outgrowth of Tagore’s Creative Passion.” in Tymieniecka Anna-Teresa, ed. Passion for place. Book II, Between the vital spacing and the creative horizons of fulfilment. Dordrecht; Boston: Kluwer Academic, 1997.

    Russell, Randy. “Coming to a Spiritual Sense of Place: An Affirmation of the Places we Inhabit.”

    Sanborn, Laura Sue. “Sacred Places of the Southwest.” Places: A Forum of Environmental Design 7(1): 42-49.

    Scheper, G. L. “`Where is our Home?’ the Ambiguity of Biblical and Euro-American Imaging of Wilderness and Garden as Sacred Place.” in Tymieniecka, Anna-Teresa, ed. The Elemental Passion for Place in the Ontopoiesis of Life Passions of the Soul in the Imaginatio Creatrix. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995.

    Scott, Jamie and Paul Simpson-Housley. Sacred Places and Profane Spaces: Essays in the Geographics of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Greenwood Publishers, 1991.

    Sheldrake, Philip. “Human Identity and the Particularity of Place” Spiritus: A Journal of Christian Spirituality 1.1 (2001): 43-64.

    Sheldrake, Philip. Spaces for the Sacred: Place, Memory, and Identity. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001.

    Smith, Jonathan. To Take Place: Toward Theory in Ritual. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987.

    Smith,, J.Z. Map is not territory: Studies in the history of religions. Leiden: Brill, 1978.

    Spicer, Beverly White. The Ka’bah: Rhythms of Culture, Faith and Physiology. Lanham MD: University Press of America. 2003.

    St. John, Donald. “Deep Geography: Nature and Place in The Sign of Jonas.” Merton Annual: Studies in Culture, Spirituality and Social Concerns 4 (1991): 39-58.

    Stark-Arola, Laura. “Christianity and the Wilderness: Syncretisms in Orthodox Karelian Magic as Culture-Specific Strategies. Studies in Folklore and Popular Religion 2 (1999): 93-120.

    Stevenson, Kalinda Rose. “The Land is Yours: Ezekiel’s Outrageous Land Claim.”

    Sturges, Philemon & Gilles Laroche. Sacred Places. Putnam: 2000.

    Swan, J. A., ed., The Power of Place: Sacred Ground in Natural and Human Environments. Wheaton, IL: Quest Books, 1991.

    Tarthang Tulku. Time, Space and Knowledge: A New Vision of Reality. Emeryville, Calif.: Dharma Pub., 1977.

    Turner, Victor. “The Center Out There: Pilgrim’s Goal.” History of Religions 12:3(1973): 191-230.

    Vitiello, Vincenzo, “Desert, Ethos, Abandonment: Towards a Topology of the Religious” in Jacques Derrida and Gianni Vattimo, Religion. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1996: 136-169.

    Wertheim, Margaret. “Place, Space, and Spirit.”

    Whitelam, Keith W. “Preliminary Notes on Recent Historiography: Centralization and the New Imperialism.”

    Williams, George Huntston. Wilderness and Paradise in Christian Thought. New York: Harper & Row, 1962.

    Williams, R. H. “Religion, Community, and Place: Locating the Transcendent.” Religion & American Culture 12:2 (June 2002): 249-263.

    Wingerd, Mary Lethert. Claiming the City: Politics, Faith, and the Power of Place in St. Paul. Cornell University Press, 2001.

    Zimmerman, Michael. “The Role of Spiritual Discipline in Learning to Dwell on the Earth.” Seamon, David & Robert Mugerauer, Dwelling, Place, and Environment: Toward a Phenomenology of Person and World. NY: Columbia University Press, 1985: 247-256.

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