Research on Place & Space: Movement – Travel, Tourism, Migration, Deterritorialization, Nomadism, Pilgrimage, Diaspora, Speed, the Flâneur, Walking






On-line Bibliographies

Bibliography on Walking (Andie Miller)

Courses and Programs

Email Discussion Lists

General Bibliography

Aden, Roger C. Popular Stories and Promised Lands: Fan Cultures and Symbolic Pilgrimages. Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press, 1999.

Albertsen, Niels and Bülent Diken. “Mobility, Justification, and the City.”

Armitage, Joan. “Beyond Postmodernism? Paul Virilio’s Hypermodern Cultural Theory.”

Barnes, Gaylene. “Passage of the Flaneur.”

Baudelaire, Charles. The Painter of Modern Life and Other Essays, 2nd Edition. Jonathan Mayne (Editor). Phaidon Press Inc., 1995.

Benjamin, Walter. The Arcades Project. Translated by Howard Eiland and Kevin Mclaughlin. Harvard University Press: 2002.

Brown, Barry, Matthew Chalmers, Ian MacColl. “Exploring tourism as a collaborative activity.”

Brown, Barry & Kenton O’Hara. “Place as a practical concern of mobile workers.”

Brusson, Jean-Paul. “A propos de l’architecture touristique : le néo-régionalisme se moque-t-il du lieu?/
Tourist architecture: is neo-regionalism deriding the concept of place?” Revue de Géographie Alpine 2 (1996).

Careri, Francesco. Walkscapes: Walking as an Aesthetic Practice. Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gili, S. A., 2003.

Carvalho, Alberto. “Travel and Metaphors of Exile in African Literature in Portuguese.”

Clark, W. A. V. “Consumer Travel Patterns and the Concept of Range.” Annals of the Association of American Geographers 58:2 (1968): 386-396.

Clark, Gregory. Rhetorical Landscapes in America Variations on a Theme from Kenneth Burke. University of South Carolina Press, 2004.

Clay, Grady. Real Places: An Unconventional Guide to America’s Generic Landscape. University of Chicago Press, 1994.

Clifford, J. Routes: Travel and Translation in the late Twentieth Century. London: Harvard University Press, 1997.

Clifford, James. “Notes on Travel and Theory.”

Cloke, P. and Perkins, H. C. “‘Cracking the Canyon with the awesome foursome’: representations of adventure tourism in New Zealand.” Environment and Planning D-Society & Space 16 (1998):185-218.

Cloke, P. and Perkins, H. C. “Commodification and Adventure in New Zealand Tourism.” Current Issues in Tourism, forthcoming.

Cloke, P. and Perkins, H. C. “‘Pushing the Limits’: Place Promotion and Adventure Tourism in the South Island of New Zealand” in H. C. Perkins and G. Cushman (eds.), Time Out? Leisure, Recreation and Tourism in New Zealand and Australia, Addison Wesley Longman, Auckland, 1998.

Crouch, D. “Places around us: Embodied lay geographies in leisure and tourism.” Leisure Studies 19:2 (2000): 63-76.

Debord, Guy. “Theory of the Dérive.”

Del Casino, V. J., S. P. Hanna. “Representations and identities in tourism map spaces.” Progress in Human Geography 24:1 (2000): 23-46.

Denis, M., Pazzaglia, F., Comoldi, C. and Bertolo, L. “Spatial discourse and navigation: an analysis of route directions in the city of Venice” Applied Cognitive Psychology 13:2 (1999): 145-74.

Dodge, Martin and Rob Kitchin. “Flying Through Code/Space: The Real Virtuality of Air Travel.” Environment and Planning A 36:2 (February 2004): 195 – 211.

Dubow, Jessica. “‘Land at Last!’: Travel and the Materiality of Vision at the Cape of Good Hope.”

Durrell, Lawrence. The spirit of place: Letters and Essays on Travel. London: Faber and Faber Limited, 1967.

Galfarsoro, Imanol. “An Incursion into the Realm of Travelling Cultures and Diaspora Politics.”

Golledge, R. G., R. D. Jacobson, R. Kitchin, M. Blades. “Cognitive maps, spatial abilities and human wayfinding.” Geographical Review of Japan Series B. 73:2 (2000): 93-104.

Gorz, André. “The Social Ideology of the Motorcar.”

Gotham, Kevin Fox. “Marketing Mardi Gras: Commodification, Spectacle, and the Political Economy of Tourism in New Orleans” Urban Studies 39:10 (September 2002): 1735-56.

Gutschow, Niels. “Pilgrimage and Space. The definatory purpose of pilgrimage routes. (Case studies from Bhaktapur, Kag and Muktinath (Nepal) and Varanasi).”

Haldrup, Michael. Tourists in time and space – mobility tactics and the making of tourist spaces. Abstract.

Halfacree, Keith. “Out of Place in the Country: Travelers and the “Rural Idyll””. Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography 28:1 (1996): 42-72.

Hall, Colin M., Stephen J. Page. The Geography of Tourism and Recreation: Environment, Place, and Space. Routledge, 1999.

Hanna, Stephen P. and Vincent J. Del Casino Jr., Editors. Mapping Tourism. University of Minnesota Press, 2003.

Hazan, Susan. “The Virtual Aura and the Digital Flâneur”

Hidle, Knut. “Place, Geography and the Concept of Diaspora – A Methodological Approach”

Hiller, Herb. “”Place” as a determinant of travel and focus for travel writing.”

Hoelscher S. “Tourism, ethnic memory and the other-directed place.” Ecumene 5:4 (1998): 369-398.

Hou Je Bek, Wilfried. “Flaneur Culture. A double generative psychogeographical session.”

Ireland, Susan. “Displacement and Identity in the Beur Novel.”,Susan.htm.

Judd, Dennis R. & Susan S. Fainstein, eds. The Tourist City. Yale University Press, 1999.

Kneafsey, Moya. “Tourism, Place Identities and Social Relations in the European Rural Periphery.” European Urban and Regional Studies 7:1 (2000): 35-50.

Kneafsey, Moya. “Tourism and Place Identity: A Case-study in Rural Ireland.”

Lane R.; Waitt G. “Authenticity in tourism and Native Title: place, time and spatial politics in the East Kimberley.” Social & Cultural Geography 2:4 (December 2001): 381-405.

Lappan, Mark. “A Lifeworld on Water: Home and Journey on the Great Lakes.” Environmental and Architectural Phenomenology 2:2: 14-15.

Leslie, Esther. “Walter Benjamin’s Arcades Project.”

Levy, André and Alex Weingrod, eds. Homelands and Diasporas: Holy Lands and Other Places. Stanford University Press, 2005.

MacCannell, Dean. The Tourist: A New Theory of the Leisure Class. New York: Schocken, 1976.

Mansvelt, J. and Perkins, H. C. “Putting Recreation and Leisure in their Place: The Geography of Leisure.” in H. C. Perkins and G. Cushman (eds.), Time Out? Leisure, Recreation and Tourism in New Zealand and Australia, Addison Wesley Longman, Auckland, 1998.

McCarthy, Jeffrey. “A theory of place in North American mountaineering.” Philosophy and Geography 5:2 (August 2002): 179-194.

Macauley, David. “Walking in the Urban Environment: Pedestrian Practices and Peripatetic Politics.” Backhaus, Gary and John Murungi. Transformations of Urban and Suburban Landscapes: Perspectives from Philosophy, Geography, and Architecture. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2002.

Meethan, Kevin. Tourism in Global Society: Place, Culture, Consumption. Palgrave MacMillan, 2001.

Miller, Andie. “Travelling in Time and Space: Explorations of movement through our physical, virtual and literary spaces.”

Miller, Andie. “Finding the Balance.”

Paradis, T. W. “Main street transformed: Community sense of place for nonmetropolitan tourism business districts. Urban Geography 21:7 (2000): 609-639.

Parkhurst, Graham. Changing Tracks: The Influence of a New Light Railway on Perceptions of Urban Space and Travel Decisions. Ph.D. Dissertation, Oxford University, 1997.

Parsons, Deborah L. Streetwalking the Metropolis. Women, the City, and Modernity. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.

Pelligrini, P. A. & A. S. Fotheringham. “Modelling spatial choice: a review and synthesis in a migration context.”
Progress in Human Geography 26:4 (August 2002): 487-510.

Petrarch. “The Ascent of Mt. Ventoux.”

Powell, D. R. “You can’t get there from here: an Appalachian trail.” Historical Geography 26 (1998): 129-150.

Richmond, Erin. Maps and Tourism on the Web: An Online Survey. Master’s Thesis, University of Victoria, 2002.

Ringer, Greg. “Beyond the Boundaries: Social Place in a Protected Space.” GeoJournal 41:3 (March 1997): 223-232.

Roberson, Susan, ed. Defining Travel: Diverse Visions. University of Mississippi Press, 2001.

Saarinen, Jarkko. “Tourist destinations and attractions – interpretations of the spatiality of tourist motives.”

Silverstein, Murray. “Is Place a Journey?” Environmental and Architectural Phenomenology 5:1: 12-15.

Sinclair, Iain. London Orbital. Granta: 2002.

Sinclair, Iain & Chris Petit. London Orbital. Illuminations, 2002.

Shaw, Gareth and Allan M. Williams. Tourism and Tourist Spaces. London: Sage, 2004.

Smith, Phil. “A Short History of the Future of Walking.” Rhizomes 7

Smith, Phil. “Dread, Route and Time: An Autobiographical Walking of Everything Else.” Reconstruction 3:1 (Winter 2003)

Solnit, Rebecca. Wanderlust: A History of Walking. Viking, 2000.

O’Hehir, Andrew. “Review of Solnit, Wanderlust: A History of Walking.” Salon, April 27, 2000.

Spark, C. “Brambuk living cultural centre: Indigenous culture and the production of place.” Tourist Studies 2:1 (April 2002): 23-42.

Stevenson, Robert Louis. “Walking Tours.”

Suvantola, Jaakko. Tourist’s Experience of Place. Ashgate Publishers, 2002.

Tester, Keith. The Flaneur. Bloomsbury, 1994.

Urry, John. “Globalizing the Tourist Gaze.”

Urry, John. “Automobility, Car Culture, and Weightless Travel.”

Urry, John. “Mobile Cultures.”

Urry, John. “Mobility and Proximity.”

Virilio, Paul in Conversation with John Armitage. “Ctheory Interview With Paul Virilio: The Kosovo War Took Place In Orbital Space.”

Virilio, Paul. A Landscape of Events. Translated by Julie Rose. MIT Press, 2000.

Waldie, D. J. “Walking in L.A.”

Waldie, D. J. “On the Bus: The Almost Invisible Existence of the Passenger Class.”

White, Edmund. The Flaneur: A Stroll Through the Paradoxes of Paris (Writer and the City). Bloomsbury: 2001.

White, Tim. “Travel Drawing: Engaging the Spirit of Place.” Environmental and Architectural Phenomenology 14:3 (Fall 2003): 11-15.

Worpole, Ken. Staying Close to the River: Reflections on Travel and Politics. Lawrence & Wishart Books, 1995.

Young, M. “The social construction of tourist places.” Australian Geographer 30:3 (1999): 373-389.

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