Research on Place & Space: Chorography, Chorology, Regions



Bibliographies and Search Engines

Courses and Programs

American Studies Space and Place (Steven Hoelscher)

General Bibliography

Ayers, Edward. “American Regionalism”

Brewer, I. The Conceptual Development and Use of Ecoregion Classifications. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Oregon State University, 1999.

Casey, T. Timothy. “Bioregionalism and the Concept of Place.” Schafer Center for Public Policy 1:3.

Coleman, Frank M. “The Encoded Space of the American Frontier: From Open Space to Ad Space.”

Epp, Roger and David Whitson, eds. Writing Off the Rural West. University of Alberta Press and Parkland Institute, 2001.

Frisken, Frances and Donald F. Norris. “Regionalism Reconsidered.” Journal of Urban Affairs 23:5 (2001): 467-478.

Herr, Cheryl Temple. Critical Regionalism and Cultural Studies: From Ireland to the American Midwest. University Press of Florida, 1996.

Johnson, Thomas. “Where is the Place in Space?” SRSA%202002%20papers/Where%20is%20the%20Place%20in%20Space.pdf

Jordan, Terry G., Jon Kilpinen, and Charles F. Gritzner. The Mountain West: Interpreting the Folk Landscape. Creating the North American Landscape. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996.

Katz, Bruce. Reflections on Regionalism. The Brookings Institute, 1999.

Lynch, Kevin. Managing the Sense of a Region. MIT Press, 1980.

Lyons, Paul. “Larry Brown’s ‘Joe’ and the uses and abuses of the “region” concept.” Studies in American Fiction 25:1 (1997): p101-125.

Oakes, Tim. “China’s Provincial Identities: Reviving Regionalism and Reinventing “Chineseness”” The Journal of Asian Studies 59:3 (2000), 667-92.

Riebsame, William. “The Topography of Geography: Some Trends in Human Geographic Thinking.”

Tanaka, Toshiro and Takashi Inoguchi, eds. Globalism and Regionalism. United Nations University Seminar, 1996.

Thayer, Robert L. LifePlace: Bioregional Thought and Practice. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003.

Wilson, Charles Reagan, ed. The New Regionalism. University of Mississippi Press, 2000.

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